Potting Gel

Potting Gel

Remora Potting Gel is a two component gel with very high dielectric, fast cross linking, thermal and sealing characteristics, contained in two bottles: the needed quantity of the two components is poured in the small container in the range of 1:1, then mixed with the supplied mixing spoon and poured in the particular to fill.

• It gives a degree of protection higher than IP68
• Non toxic and safe
• Fast in cross linking (<10') without temperature increase
• It cross links also at low temperatures
• Low viscosity
• For installation up to 1kV
• Dielectric strength: >18 kV/mm

Standard: BS EN 62305-3 / BS EN 50164-5

Swipe table
MG300 2 Bottles Only 2x 150ml Total 300ml £18.29 £21.95
MG1000 2 Bottles, 1 Mixing Container, 1 Mixing Spoon 2x 500ml Total 1000ml £36.19 £43.43

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